PEX tube is a kind of PEX-a , which in preparation , Peroxide method is used in a different way.
These technique is a new method which in dynamical processes of incorporation and mixing of solids and liquids, tube formation and Finally heating , Performed by highly advanced Reliable equipment.
Accordingly PEX tube of Pars Ethylene Kish Co is in higher rank than other similar products and popular brands in the world in terms of features.
- 新建筑或新建建筑中的冷热水管道系统。
- 住宅建筑,商业办公室和医院的地板采暖
- 水暖,供暖和空调系统,如散热器,风扇盘管和
- 停车场,人行道和街道的冰融系统
- 温室和运动场地面采暖作为烤架或高尔夫
- 在住宅建筑,服务,办公和工业部门的水和消防系统。
These tubes can easily be replaced with hard sort pipes. Use Manifold in the PEX plumbing system Balance the outlet pressure, reduce the waiting time for hot water, reduce the length of pipes and number of fittings, Increase the speed of installation and Will result significant savings in energy consumption.
- 灵活性和强度比其他管道
- 更大的热阻
- 完全恢复到初始状态由于强烈的形状记忆
- 抗霜冻
- 更大的抗磨损和腐蚀抗性
- 快速安装,简单和可靠
- 耐腐蚀,耐用永久
- 减少当前和未来的成本
- 保持效率,直到建筑剩余
- 温度均匀性和热舒适性
- 显着节省能源消耗(约30%)
- 保持清洁的墙壁,在建筑物内部没有烟尘和灰尘
- 更多的空间和室内设计和装饰的自由
- 更好的外观
- 无需要繁琐和昂贵的维修
尺寸和管系列工作台根据标准DIN 16893:2003,ISO 15875 - 2:2003
Wall thicknesses
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